Monday, May 19, 2014

Craft Room!

Our craft room is done!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

To be's been done for about 10 months now...I'm just now getting around to actually posting the pictures.  My bad. But the time frame it has taken me to finally write this blog does not in anyway distract from how much I love this room!

So here is what we started with.

 Basically it was a small bedroom that had a closet in it.  We decided to take out the closet.

Then we needed more room for the design to we decided to take out the hall closet to give us an extra 2 ft.

 After drywall is up - we get this!  Then comes mudding taping.  Which is our all time most hated part of there are no pictures to document this process.

Back to the fun stuff...painting!  I wanted a bright accent wall.
FYI - This really is a team processes....he just never takes pictures.

Then it came to building all the bookcases, shelves and countertops that were going into the room.  All of them (besides the corner cabinet we bought) were handmade and painted by us. 

First Project (and hardest)...was the paper shelves.  

1. Cut out pieces a makeshit dato cut for the shelves with a circular saw...(Brian would like to forget every moment of this....)

2. Paint pieces

3. Assemble the box

4. Mess up measurements
5. Fix mistake and re-assemble box
6. Add in shelves...hope that they fit
7. Repaint the whole thing
8. Let them sit until everything else is done

Second Big Project (and most stressful)....was the countertops

1. Design
2. Redesign
3. Argue about the design
4. Finally decide on a design
5. Cut all the 2x4s and 2x6s
6. Lay out the countertops on the floor

7. Pocket hole screw them

8. Let them sit and admire your hard work

9. Do a dry run to make sure they fit in the room
10. Stain them, stain them, stain them!  We wanted them DARK

11. Add a coat of poly to seal them
12. Install them
13. Add resin to coat them and pray that you don't mess up and throw away $400.

14. Dance because it worked!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So overall, there was a lot of painstaking steps in the whole process.  But after it is all decorated, I LOVE IT.  I honestly cna't explain how much I love my craft room.  It doubles for us as an office, but I finally have a place to scrapbook and love it!!!! Its awesome!

Huge shout out to my husband!  he made all of the cabinets and shelves and put a lot of time into them.  They are fabulous. 

It was a long and tedious process (as always) but I am so happy we have it!!! Here are some pics with all my stuff in them. 

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